
Beebah is 38 years old Female Seeking Marriage Kaduna/lagos , Nigeria

About Beebah:

Am habeebah a devoted muslim believe in Quran and Hadith and follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammed pbuh and the pillar of islam


A devoted muslim that hav d fear of Allah in his heart

Looking for a Muslim from Any in 35-40 age range


Name: Beebah Age: 38 Reside: Kaduna/lagos , NigeriaRoot: NigeriaMarital Status: Single Religion: Muslim Practicing level: DevoutHeight: 157 cm Body Type: AverageHave Children: No Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: Black Eye Color: BlackOccupation: Student Education Level: Bachelors DegreeMember Since: 2012-09-05 00:00:00 Last Login: 2017-01-24 00:00:00