Osman suleiman mohammad

Osman suleiman mohammad is 44 years old Female Seeking a Pal or Networking Cairo, 6 October city. Cairo, Egypt

About Osman suleiman mohammad:

My name is Osman ( ABUTAMIM ) I am a Sudanese citizen and living from Cairo the capital city of Egypt. I am a 43 years old. male / Single and never married. Self employed. I am a nice and cool, simple person, fear of god and honest. I enjoyen writing , reading , sport , tourism. travelling and listening to the current affairs news and if your interested in me you can reach me through my e-mail: Usmanabutamim@gmail.com or at WhatsApp No: +201149293983


I am a looking to meet new friends from any where around the world , also I am looking for a good female any age to love and marriage and I am a ready and willing to relocation to any country around the world.

Looking for a Any from Any in 18-50 age range


Name: Osman suleiman mohammad Age: 44 Reside: Cairo, 6 October city. Cairo, EgyptRoot: SudanMarital Status: single Religion: Muslim Practicing level: Dont want sayHeight: 5.8 Body Type: AverageHave Children: No Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: - Eye Color: BlackOccupation: Self Employed Education Level: CollegeMember Since: 2023-10-17 05:37:22 Last Login: 2023-10-17 05:37:22