sincere kind muslim man, refined gentleman,seek marriage......... ayesha exist in every time square of every city...her hijab shines everywhere and beats all the charm and pride of modern world
simple muslim woman,adjustable not sensitive to age colour origin race...compassionate loving Good news EVOLUTION THEORY FALLEN SHORT, LATEST ..........THINKING PROVE EVOLUTION THEORY IS FALSE. Evoultion Theory succumb in concept of Time Time is illusion, A relative standard,Time in reality does not exist ....Einstein What is a definite proof that Evolution theory is short or a false dogma, It is WATER ,H20... In billion years Water....H2O.. remained unaffected by Time, Water H20 not a product of Time. Atomic and molecular weight of all elements and compounds will reman same and unchanged until Eternity Water H20 Timeless..whooooo created water??????????? no water , no evolution.
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