
elewegi is 38 years old Female Seeking Marriage Sweden

About elewegi:

I am searching for serious relations with feelings .... I am kind tender, I adore cooking and doing it pretty well Wink Wink Wink I know how to make the man happy! I am devoted and loving lady! I am faithful and devoted for my man , so I am waiting for this man whom I will be devoted to ) Are you here and will you come into my life?)))))


Looking for a Muslim from Any in 33-84 age range


Name: elewegi Age: 38 Reside: SwedenRoot: UkraineMarital Status: Single Religion: Muslim Practicing level: Height: Body Type: SlimHave Children: No Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: Blonde Eye Color: BlueOccupation: Employed-General Education Level: Elementary SchoolMember Since: 2019-01-19 00:00:00 Last Login: 2019-04-27 00:00:00