I'm Annamuhammet, I'm 34 years old. I was previously married, now I'm divorced. I myself am from Turkmenistan but I'm in Israel, here I work and live for now. Speaking of myself, I am now a very simple and poor) servant of Allah. I am a simple working man and my financial situation is very modest) But I am purposefully working for my future and the future of my new family. I have no higher education but there is technical knowledge and Glory to Allah there is a good knowledge of Islam. I try to live like a true Muslim and I would like to find my own couple. I would like to meet my fate, a righteous and faithful wife! Dahl Allah I hope to meet here their happiness!)
I'm looking for love. I'm looking for a woman who, regardless of my position in society and the material status, will accept me as it is. I need a wife who will go with me and the difficulties and joy with which we will build our future. I'm looking for a woman who will be faithful to me and will be close in sorrow and in joy. Inshaa Alla I hope that someday I will find my happiness and love!
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