
hakimgunawan is 44 years old Male Seeking Marriage incheon, Korea

About hakimgunawan:

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh ya ukhti Bismillah…I would like to begin my words with dawa...First of all we should not forget that we are only travelers in this world…How often do we think about death, that can come us suddenly? Think about life after death…Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioun...”My people! The life of the world is only fleeting enjoyment. It is the hereafter, which is the abode of permanence.”… Why are we here?… SubhanaAllah...Life is not just eat, sleep, drink, enjoying …We should understand and remember the main purpose of creating us to worship to Allah (SWT)… this life is short and that the best time we spend in this world, is the time that we spend worshiping Allah (SWT)…" Allah does not look at your faces, nor at your riches but He looks at your hearts and deeds"...As the Prophet (SAWS) said: "The deeds depend upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended”…..Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a believer, We will give them a good life and We will recompense them according to the best of what they did… ........... Ya Robbil ‘Alameen... Guide and protect us from all bad…turn our hearts back to the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and make us of those who enter Your Jannah! …ameen Mmmm…as for me, alhamdulillah by the mercy of Allah (SWT) I am a practicing muslim.i Am just an ordinary person with an ordinary life .i Am a caring, loving, understanding, romantic and love to cook. now i working in south korea i hope to marry someone on this site in korean central mosque,i involved with work of dawah and tableegh and try to spend my time in path of Allah.InsyaAllah i will be a good imam for family and lead you to jannah.a hadith said that pious wife will entering jannah 500years before and wait for her husband.please make salat istikhara before make decision


honest,loving,caring,family oriented, I want to find simple girl who are like me wants to have friendly family and who are ready to become a mother! I will not write what features I want to see in her, I just want to be loved by her and feel that all his feelings are from her heart!

Looking for a Muslim from Any in 18-33 age range


Name: hakimgunawan Age: 44 Reside: incheon, KoreaRoot: IndonesiaMarital Status: Single Religion: Muslim Practicing level: PracticingHeight: 173 cm Body Type: AthleticHave Children: No Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: Black Eye Color: BlackOccupation: Employed-General Education Level: Dont want sayMember Since: 2009-11-09 00:00:00 Last Login: 2016-02-06 00:00:00