
bibian123 is 36 years old Female Seeking Marriage Mauritius

About bibian123:

Assalamualaikum, I am 28 yrs old. I am looking for a nice, honest, sincere muslim person; someone who will love and respect me for who I am. My parents always believe in education, so I would be happy also to have someone who is a graduate like me or above. If u like my profile, send me a message thanks.


Looking for a Muslim from Any in 28-34 age range


Name: bibian123 Age: 36 Reside: MauritiusRoot: MauritiusMarital Status: Single Religion: Muslim Practicing level: Height: 163 cm Body Type: SlimHave Children: Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: Black Eye Color: BrownOccupation: Employed-Professinal Education Level: Bachelors DegreeMember Since: 2017-05-06 00:00:00 Last Login: 2018-08-19 00:00:00