
Golden-brown82 is 42 years old Male Seeking Marriage United Kingdom

About Golden-brown82:

ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã ÇÎæÇÊí ÇáÚÒíÒÇÊ¡ ÇÓãí ãÍãæÏ ÇÈÍË Úä ÝÊÇÉ ãÊÏíäå ÊÎÇÝ Çááå ÊÑÊÏí ÇáÍÌÇÈ(ÇæÊäæí ÇÑÊÏÇå ÝÑíÈÇ) ãä ÇÌá ÇáÒæÇÌ ÇáÍáÇá Úáí ÓäÉ Çááå æÑÓæáå. ÇäÇ áÓÊ åäÇ ãä ÇÌá ÊÖííÚ ÇáæÞÊ Çæ ÇáÊÓáíå Çæ Êßæíä ÚáÇÞå ãÍÑãå. ÇÑíÏ ÇßãÇá äÕÝ Ïíäí æÇáÚÝÇÝ æÚáÇÞå ÒæÌíå ãÈäíå Úáí ÇáÍÈ æÇáÇÍÊÑÇã ÇáãÊÈÇÏá Èíä ÇáØÑÝíä. ÝÚáÇ ÇÐÇ ÇäÊí ÌÇÏå Úáí ÇáÒæÇÍ ÝáÇ ÊÊÑÏÏí Úáí ãÑÇÓáÊí. ÇÊãäí I'm honest, romantic and hard working person mature with realistic outlook. I'm organised person and someone who has a little knowledge about the Deen. In my spare time I like to do some sports activities, going to the beach and travelling for adventur,lean new culture and exploring. I'm looking for someone to share my life with and maybe form a muslim family together.You are reading my profile now,so don't hesitate to contact me.


Someone who is honest,fears Allah,not so much into dunya and ready to Settle down.

Looking for a Muslim from Any in 00-00 age range


Name: Golden-brown82 Age: 42 Reside: United KingdomRoot: SomaliaMarital Status: Single Religion: Muslim Practicing level: PracticingHeight: 188 cm Body Type: AthleticHave Children: No Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark BrownOccupation: Not Employed Education Level: CollegeMember Since: 2016-02-07 00:00:00 Last Login: 2020-12-17 00:00:00