Deep singh

Deep singh is 34 years old Male Seeking Marriage Alberta, Canada

About Deep singh:

I am indian origin person . I am self emloyed currently living in Edmonton Alberta . I belong to a sikh religion but i believe that we are human first . We must respect all religions .


She should be good from heart loving and caring .

Looking for a Any from Canada in 18-26 age range


Name: Deep singh Age: 34 Reside: Alberta, CanadaRoot: IndiaMarital Status: Single Religion: Other Practicing level: Dont want sayHeight: 180 cm Body Type: AthleticHave Children: No Smoke: No Drinker: NoHair Color: Black Eye Color: Light GreenOccupation: Self Employed Education Level: Masters DegreeMember Since: 2015-11-05 00:00:00 Last Login: 2015-11-05 00:00:00