Nikah Zawaj

Nikah Zawaj is 42 years old Male Seeking Marriage kiambu, Kenya

About Nikah Zawaj:

MuslimSingles offers free service to our muslim brothers and sisters. brothers and sisters who are serious and wish to get marrier will have to send their details as stated: your full names, your age, your nationality, your occupation, your current location, state if divorced or widowed and if you have children, state if never married, include a recent photo of yours. send all the details here, or follow us on facebook account name: Nikah Zawaj. or like our facebook page: MuslimSingles, for more updates. we will try to find you a match and when we do we will inform you. we will send you a photo of the match and details except contact number. you will only meet with your desired match before a kadhi, you agree on the dowry there and get married same day. we give no room for dating for we do not wish to fill our hands with firlth. if you are serrious and you want to get married, we will assist you and guide you untill inshaAllah you get married in a halal way.. we charge you nothing for we believe in a greater benefit in the hereafter.


if you are serious with life and need to get married in a halal way, please get intouch. we will help you..

Looking for a Muslim from Any in 18-84 age range


Name: Nikah Zawaj Age: 42 Reside: kiambu, KenyaRoot: KenyaMarital Status: Divorced Religion: Muslim Practicing level: BeleiveHeight: 168 cm Body Type: SlimHave Children: Yes Smoke: Drinker: NoHair Color: Black Eye Color: BlackOccupation: Self Employed Education Level: CollegeMember Since: 2015-07-16 00:00:00 Last Login: 2020-08-09 00:00:00