I am Ole School hopeless romantic raised with traditional morality with the wisdom of Islam being very nationalist toward Black America concerns, My mate should have acheived volunteerism like myself.Have intellegence, psycological fortatude and acting as a helpmate for her man.. Understand If U can see what I look like, in fairness I must be able to have the same privelige. No games only adoring attention .Look for me to be Spiritually Righteous, Mentally Astute, Physically Energetic, Romantically Fascinating.
Respect, Love ,Communications, Partnership enhancing each other, Honesty, Trust, Spiritual Righteousness, honest character, as I will return the same with a personal sensitive, empathetic, romantic display of affection and Love. . A woman seeking knowledge and looking to increase spirituality together (working to help each other grow). What I seek (insha Allah) is a sister that follows the example of Rasulilah (saw) wife Aisha who was involved whole hardheartedly with the Prophet in education as well as community politics.
Looking for a