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Islamic marriage or Nikah procedure

Islamic marriage, also known as Nikah, is a union between a man and a woman that is recognized under Islamic law. The procedure of Islamic marriage involves several steps, including the proposal and acceptance, the signing of the marriage contract, and the wedding celebration.

The first step in the Islamic marriage procedure is the proposal and acceptance. This is the stage where the potential groom and his family approach the bride and her family to express their interest in the marriage. The families discuss the details of the marriage, such as the bride's dowry and the terms of the marriage contract. If both parties agree to the terms, the proposal is accepted and the couple becomes engaged.

The next step is the signing of the marriage contract, which is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both partners in the marriage. The contract is typically signed in the presence of two witnesses and a religious authority, such as an imam. The marriage contract includes important details such as the dowry, the duration of the marriage, and the conditions for divorce.

Once the marriage contract is signed, the couple can proceed to the wedding celebration. The wedding ceremony in Islam is a simple and modest affair that usually takes place in a mosque. The bride and groom recite the marriage vow in front of the religious authority and the witnesses, who then declare the couple to be married.

After the wedding ceremony, the couple begins their life together as husband and wife. In Islam, the wife is entitled to a number of rights, including the right to a home, food, and clothing, and the right to be treated kindly and respectfully by her husband. The husband, in turn, is responsible for providing for his wife and protecting her.

Islamic marriages are considered to be sacred unions, and both partners are expected to treat each other with respect, kindness, and compassion. In Islam, divorce is discouraged, and couples are encouraged to reconcile and resolve their differences. However, if a couple is unable to reconcile, they can obtain a divorce through the Islamic court system.

In conclusion, the procedure of Islamic marriage involves several steps, including the proposal and acceptance, the signing of the marriage contract, and the wedding celebration. The marriage contract outlines the rights and responsibilities of both partners, and the wedding ceremony is a simple and modest affair that takes place in a mosque. Islamic marriages are considered to be sacred unions, and both partners are expected to treat each other with respect, kindness, and compassion.

By Ayesha Murad on 2023-02-02